Making negative statements – Quiz

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Making Negative Sentences and Questions in English

Making Negative Sentences and Questions in English

1. Making Negative Sentences

To make a sentence negative, we generally use the word “not” after the auxiliary verb (helping verb). If there is no auxiliary verb in the positive sentence, we add one (usually do or does in the present simple tense and did in the past simple tense).

Present Simple Tense

Use do not (don’t) or does not (doesn’t) with the base form of the verb:


  • Positive: She likes ice cream.
  • Negative: She does not (doesn’t) like ice cream.
  • Positive: They play football.
  • Negative: They do not (don’t) play football.

Past Simple Tense

Use did not (didn’t) with the base form of the verb:


  • Positive: He went to the market.
  • Negative: He did not (didn’t) go to the market.
  • Positive: We saw the movie.
  • Negative: We did not (didn’t) see the movie.

Other Tenses

For other tenses, place not after the auxiliary verb:


  • Present Continuous: She is not (isn’t) working today.
  • Past Continuous: They were not (weren’t) playing when I called.
  • Present Perfect: I have not (haven’t) finished my homework.
  • Future Simple: He will not (won’t) come to the party.

2. Making Questions

To form a question, we often invert the subject and the auxiliary verb. If there is no auxiliary verb, we add one (usually do, does, or did).

Yes/No Questions

Invert the subject and the auxiliary verb:


  • Statement: You are coming.
  • Question: Are you coming?
  • Statement: She can swim.
  • Question: Can she swim?

Wh- Questions

Use a question word (who, what, where, when, why, how) at the beginning, then invert the subject and auxiliary verb:


  • Statement: She is reading.
  • Question: What is she reading?
  • Statement: They are going.
  • Question: Where are they going?

Questions without Auxiliary Verbs

In the present and past simple tenses, add do, does, or did:


  • Statement: You like pizza.
  • Question: Do you like pizza?
  • Statement: She visited Paris.
  • Question: Did she visit Paris?

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