Attitude is altitude – Comprehension test

NICK, A TORSO – THE BITTER TRUTH – ATTITUDE IS ALTITUDE COMPREHENSION Nick was born as a torso. It was because of the medical condition called ‘phocomelia’. Phocomelia is a rare congenital deformity which results in the birth of a baby without limbs or underdeveloped limbs. Nick’s mother was a nurse and she took proper care …

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Nick Vujicic – Attitude is altitude – Comprehension

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Passage 1:

Nick Vujicic was born with no arms and legs – but he doesn’t let the details stop him. The brave 26-year-old – who is mainly a torso – plays football and golf, swims and surfs, despite having no limbs.

1. How do you describe Nick’s physical condition/state?

Nick is a torso. / Nick has no arms and legs.

2. ‘but he doesn’t let the details stop him.’ What does this line mean?

It means ‘he doesn’t allow his disability to challenge him’.

3. What does the phrase ‘the details’ mean?

It means Nick’s disability. / It means the fact that Nick was a torso.

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