The ball Poem summary and quiz

Summary of the poem ‘The ball’: The poet watches the boy as the ball bounces happily down the street and then disappears into the water. The poet knows it’s useless to say, “Don’t worry, there are other balls.” The boy’s sadness isn’t just about this one ball. He’s frozen in place, staring into the water …

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Black aeroplane-lesson summary and quiz

Once, a pilot was flying his old Dakota aeroplane from France to England. It was nighttime, and he was alone in the sky, with the moon rising behind him and stars shining above. He felt happy as he looked down at the sleeping countryside below. While flying, he radioed Paris Control to let them know …

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His first flight summary and quiz class 10 Unit 3

Summary of the lesson: A young seagull was too scared to fly. He saw his siblings fly away, but he couldn’t bring himself to jump off the ledge. His parents tried to encourage him, and then threatened to leave him starving, but nothing worked. For a whole day, the young seagull watched his family learn …

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A tiger in the zoo poem summary and quiz

Summary: The poem “A Tiger in the Zoo” by Leslie Norris describes the difficult situation of a tiger kept in a cage within a zoo. The poet starts by showing the tiger walking back and forth in its cage, its colourful stripes standing out against the dullness of its captivity. The tiger’s movements are described …

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