Book Review: 6 Secrets Smart Students Don’t Tell You

If you are looking for a book that can help you unlock the secrets of academic success, look no further than “6 Secrets Smart Students Don’t Tell You” by Chandan Deshmukh. This book is a comprehensive guide that offers practical tips and strategies for students who want to improve their grades and achieve their academic goals.

The book begins by addressing the mindset that students should have if they want to be successful. Deshmukh emphasizes the importance of having a growth mindset and being willing to put in the hard work to achieve success. He also explains how having a positive attitude and setting realistic goals can help students stay motivated and focused.

One of the key themes throughout the book is the importance of effective time management. Deshmukh offers a range of tips and strategies for managing your time more effectively, from setting priorities and creating a study schedule to avoiding distractions and staying focused. He also offers advice on how to develop good study habits, such as taking regular breaks, using active learning techniques, and staying organized.

Another important theme in the book is the value of learning from mistakes. Deshmukh encourages students to view mistakes as opportunities for growth and to be willing to take risks and try new things. He also offers advice on how to overcome common obstacles to learning, such as procrastination, anxiety, and perfectionism.

One of the things I appreciated most about this book is its practicality. Deshmukh offers a range of tips and strategies that are easy to implement and that can have a real impact on your academic performance. He also provides plenty of real-life examples and case studies that help illustrate the concepts he discusses.

Overall, “6 Secrets Smart Students Don’t Tell You” is an excellent resource for anyone who wants to improve their academic performance. Whether you are a high school student, a college student, or an adult learner, this book has something to offer. It is well-written, easy to read, and packed with practical advice that can help you achieve your academic goals.


I highly recommend “6 Secrets Smart Students Don’t Tell You” to anyone who wants to improve their academic performance. Whether you are struggling in school or simply looking for ways to boost your grades and achieve your goals, this book is an excellent resource that can help you get there. The tips and strategies that Deshmukh offers are easy to implement and can make a real difference in your life. So, if you want to unlock the secrets of academic success, be sure to pick up a copy of this book today.

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