Classroom English-1

Though it seems easy to use English while interacting with students, it becomes imperative to use natural expressions that occur in a classroom. As most of us do not have English speaking environmentaround us, we need to deliberately learn such natural expressions. Watch the video below in which I discuss certain common expressions used in …

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A pleasant surprise awaits students

1. Await (verb) Wait for  2. Facelift (noun) changes made to a building or place to make it look more attractive      The town has recently been given a facelift.      The bank is planning to give its 1930s building a complete facelift. 3. Paved (adj.) Covered with large flat stones or concrete …

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Youth turns into a good Samaritan

No. Word/Expression Definition and examples 1. Good Samaritan (noun) a person who gives help and sympathy to people who need it 2. Feed (verb) To give food 3. Abandoned (adj.) left and no longer wanted The child was found abandoned but unharmed. 4. Sewing machine a machine that is used for sewing things that are …

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