Past Perfect and Simple Past by MNB Chari Choose the right answer./Fill in the blanks with the right forms of the verbs. Start Quiz! 1. By the time the concert had startedstarted, I had already foundalready found (already, find) my seat in the front row. Loading... Question 1 of 5 2. After the storm had passedpassed, we had gonewent (go) outside to assess the damage. Loading... Question 2 of 5 3. They had livedlived (live) in that house for ten years before they decidedhad decided (decide) to move. Loading... Question 3 of 5 4. When I had arrivedarrived (arrive) at the airport, my flight already departedhad already departed (already, depart). Loading... Question 4 of 5 5. She finsihedhad finished (finish) her homework before she watchedhad watched (watch) TV last night. Loading... Question 5 of 5 Loading... UserPoints