Past Perfect and Simple Past by MNB Chari Please wait... Choose the right answer./Fill in the blanks with the right forms of the verbs. Start Quiz! 1. They livedhad lived (live) in that house for ten years before they had decideddecided (decide) to move. Loading... Question 1 of 5 2. By the time I gothad got (get) to the movie theater, the film had startedstarted (start). Loading... Question 2 of 5 3. By the time the concert had startedstarted, I had already foundalready found (already, find) my seat in the front row. Loading... Question 3 of 5 4. After the storm had passedpassed, we had gonewent (go) outside to assess the damage. Loading... Question 4 of 5 5. She had finishedfinsihed (finish) her homework before she had watchedwatched (watch) TV last night. Loading... Question 5 of 5 Loading... UserPoints