Special Test – Unit 1 Personality Development

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[tabs][tab title=”1st place”]Anitha Kolipakula (Montessori High School)

[/tab] [tab title=”2nd place”]Durga Bhavani (Ravindra Bharathi High School)

[/tab] [tab title=”3rd place”]Bhavana Lahari (Ravindra Bharathi High School)[/tab][/tabs]

[alert-success]Congratulations to the winners![/alert-success]

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The test includes several types of questions. You need to read the instructions (questions) carefully before choosing your answers.

To get a better score in today’s test, I advise you to try the following quizzes.

  1. Reading A – Attitude is Altitude-Comprehension Test
  2. Reading B – Every Success Story Is Also A Story Of Great Failures-Comprehension Test
  3. Reading C – I Will Do It-Comprehension Test
  4. Adjectives describing Positive And Negative Attitudes-Quiz
  5. One-word Substitutes-Quiz
  6. Antonyms Quiz
  7. Mega Vocabulary Quiz
  8. Using Relative Pronouns Quiz

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