The journey-Comprehension quiz

The journey and quiz summary : Check your comprehension. Answer all the questions. If you do not answer any question, you will lose 5 points. There is no negative marking for ‘wrong answers’. Start Quiz! Your name and school  0%1. Neither of us uttered a word. Choose the most appropriate way to rewrite this sentence.A.I …

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Once upon a time-Poem Analysis and Quiz

Once upon a time – by Gabriel Okara Stanza 1 Once upon a time, son They used to laugh with their eyes: But now they only laugh with their teeth, While their ice-block-cold eyes                             Search behind my shadow. Explanation: Here ‘Once …

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Tips on writing a news report / news article

TIPS ON WRITING A NEWS REPORT The following picture with illustration can help you understand how to write a news report. Look at it and try to understand. There is an example news reports with analysis of the key elements in it. HOW TO WRITE A NEWS REPORT Key elements: 1. The headline Grabs the reader’s …

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Success stories – comprehension quiz

s EVERY SUCCESS STORY IS ALSO A STORY OF GREAT FAILURES We see only the success of people but not their failures. We also say that people are successful because they were at the right time and right place. But this is illogical. Tom Watson, a great businessman, said, ‘If you want to succeed, double …

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Positive Negative adjecctives; Quiz

Name of the test :  Positive, Negative adjectives Test Type :  True/False; Drop-down; Multiple Choice No. of Questions :  15 Total Marks : 150 Start Test Your name and school  1. A person who is exuberant is dull and unhappy.A.TrueB.False  Loading…2. If you are cautious, you are very careless.A.TrueB.False  Loading…3. If a person is sneaky, he/she …

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Attitude is altitude – Comprehension test

NICK, A TORSO – THE BITTER TRUTH – ATTITUDE IS ALTITUDE COMPREHENSION Nick was born as a torso. It was because of the medical condition called ‘phocomelia’. Phocomelia is a rare congenital deformity which results in the birth of a baby without limbs or underdeveloped limbs. Nick’s mother was a nurse and she took proper care …

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Attitude is altitude – video summary

Watch the video to recap the lesson ‘Attitude is altitude’. It has all the main points mentioned. You can use this video summary as a quick review before taking a test. After watching the video, go to the comprehension page and listen to the audio version of the text. Once you finish reading comprehension passages,

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Defining and non-defining relative clauses


A relative clause contains a relative pronoun.

Before we begin, let’s look at ‘clause’ and ‘relative pronoun’.

A clause is a group of words that has a Subject and a Predicate.

Predicate’ is the part of a sentence that makes a statement about the Subject. It contains ‘verb’.

Here’s an example:

The little cat   moved to the corner.

Subject                    Predicate

Now, read the following:

I saw a man. He was blind.

I saw a man who was blind.

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Success stories–comprehension

Every success story is also a story of great failures – Comprehension passages Click ‘play’ to listen to the text ‘Every success story is also a story of great failures’. Passage – 1 If you study history, you will find that all stories of success are also stories of great failures. But people don’t see …

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