Word Power Made Easy-Book recommendation

Book Recommendation

Word Power Made Easy ! This sounds like many other titles that promise quick and easy building of English vocabulary.Word Power Made Easy

But this can be on top of the list of books that really keep up the word! Yes, it’s true! If you aim to enrich your vocabulary, this book deserves some space on your bookshelf. Norman Lewis nailed it when he said ‘Word Power Made Easy !’.

Word Power Made Easy – The strategy!

The author wants the readers to start with an exercise. The exercise is aimed at finding your vocabulary range now. The test includes 60 random questions with 5 options to each question. One can identify their vocabulary range by looking at the score. Depending on the score, one’s vocabulary range can be termed ‘below average’, ‘average’, ‘above average’, ‘excellent’ or ‘superior’.

I think this is a good start to get the right motivation. The first exercises are followed by a few more tests to determine what your standard is. Then come the instructions telling you how to use the book.

The greatness of the strategy used by the author in the book ‘Word power made easy’ is that it introduces the words through contexts which is quite contrary to what happens in schools these days. The author presents the features of the word in a context and then introduces the word. The strategy is very good actually.I think this is a good start to get the right motivation. The first exercises are followed by a few more tests to determine what your standard is. Then come the instructions telling you how to use the book. The greatness of the strategy used by the author in the book ‘Word power made easy’ is that it introduces the words through contexts which is quite contrary to what happens in schools these days. The author presents the features of the word in a context and then introduces the word.

After introducing the words, the author explains how to pronounce each of the word. Then, he asks the readers to take several exercises, including matching the words with their definitions, a set of questions that need True or False as the answer, recalling the words, and origin of the words.

It’s magic ! Don’t get me wrong!

Word Power Made Easy is really a magic wand with which you can create stunning vocabulary. After the exercises, the author goes on to introduce several other words that are associated with the earlier words. Once the readers go through all the exercises sincerely, they will never forget them. Such is the power of this book.

This book Word Power Made Easy should certainly be accompanied by another very useful book by the same author, Correct Spelling Made Easy. You will not regret buying it. The price of both the books does not set you back because they are very affordable.

If you are interested in this book, buy it here.

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