Watch the video to recap the lesson ‘Attitude is altitude’. It has all the main points mentioned. You can use this video summary as a quick review before taking a test. After watching the video, go to the comprehension page and listen to the audio version of the text. Once you finish reading comprehension passages,
One word substitutes from Unit-1
Use the following words: spendthrift, autobiography, unintelligible, fatalist, indelible, monogamy, atheist, teetotaler, illegible, incorrigible, intellectual, snob, linguist, inimitable, grammarian, theist, misogynist, mercenary, bilingual, polyglot, ambiguous, versatile, omnipresent, omniscient, polygamy, prodigy, biography, epitome, epistle, epitaph, centenarian, epilogue, honorary Choose the one word substitutes for the following explanations. Name of the test : One-word substitutes Test Type …