Amanda Poem Summary and Quiz

Summary of the poem:The poem starts with a series of commands given to Amanda. She is told not to bite her nails, slouch, or hunch her shoulders. Amanda’s response is to escape into her imagination, where she becomes a mermaid enjoying herself in an emerald sea. The second stanza continues with more instructions: finish your …

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A letter to God – Summary and Quiz

About the author: Gregorio López y Fuentes was a writer from Mexico. He wrote stories, poems, and news articles. He was born on a ranch and started writing as a teenager during the Mexican Revolution. His writing often focused on the lives of ordinary people and the effects of the war. As a kid, Fuentes …

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Passive voice Test

Choose the correct Passive form of the sentence. Start Quiz! Your name and school:  0%1. They will open the new sports centre soon.A.The new sports centre would be opened by them soon.B.The new sports centre is opened by them soon.C.The new sports centre will be opened by them soon.D.The new sports centre are opened by …

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